Label: "health care"

koronavírus vakcina szputnyik orosz oltás getty stock
March 22, 2023 09:27

Research disproves popular theory on Covid-19 vaccines, though some scientists remain sceptical

“It’s probably not the last chapter in this story.”

March 21, 2023 11:12

Hungarian gov’t to ’relieve’ municipalities of outpatient care

Not everyone likes the public takeover plan

egészségügy kórház magán
March 17, 2023 08:28

Hungary centralises management of public hospital buildings

Government publishes new rule in decree

influenza járvány vírus betegség maszk
March 09, 2023 18:18

Influenza epidemic seen past its peak in Hungary

Number of severe acute respiratory infections remain high

March 03, 2023 16:35

Nearly 5,000 doctors apply for membership in Hungarian Medical Chamber

Hungarian doctors working abroad want to be patrons

February 24, 2023 09:50

Debt of Hungarian hospitals has never jumped this much so early in the year

State Treasury data published

koronavírus járvány sejt
February 23, 2023 13:20

Flu epidemic raging in Hungary

New weekly report published

egészségügy kórház magán
February 20, 2023 12:00

Hungary private health services to grow despite staff shortages - Fitch

Government health expenditure to be reduced further

February 20, 2023 10:36

Hungarian health workers to start strike negotiations

They consider the wage increase delay to be unacceptable

omikron koronavírus teszt
January 06, 2023 08:36

Hungarian hospitals no longer have to report cases of coronavirus to the NNK

However, they still have to record data to the Electronic Health Service Space

January 02, 2023 12:31

Regulations on changes to the Hungarian healthcare system published

The care system will be transformed

December 30, 2022 11:03

Hungary's doctor shortage worsens

The situation is difficult in many parts of the country

December 29, 2022 11:26

Good news for Hungarian nurses: gov't decides on pay rise

It will be done in two stages

orbán viktor kormány kormányinfó
December 27, 2022 08:56

Hungarian gov't announces a brand new special tax on pharmaceuticals the night before Christmas Eve

Double Official Gazette published on Friday night

takács péter egészségügy átalakítás
December 23, 2022 08:56

Hungarian gov't embarks on a permanent overhaul of the health system

This was one of the revelations at the Hungarian Medical Chamber's public online event

velkey györgy magyar kórházszövetség bethesda kórház
December 22, 2022 10:05

What will the HUF 30 billion hospital debt settlement be enough for?

The President of the Hungarian Association of Hospitals gave answers

Recseg-ropog a Honvédkórház gépezete: orvosok mentek el, akik nem akarnak honvédek lenni
December 21, 2022 09:29

Hungarian Medical Chamber: the government's latest plans are devastating for the healthcare system on a large scale

A letter was sent to colleagues by the Medical Chamber

egészségügy kórház orvos
December 21, 2022 09:20

Hungarian doctors predict dire consequences if the forced labour decree enters into force

The Health Section of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs and Employers sends dramatically toned warning